Men's Health
Looking for a community pharmacy near you offering the best education over men’s health? Our pharmacy is a premier men’s health center offering comprehensive education over men’s health. We take pride in our community and want to ensure that your health is proactively looked after.
Why Should Men’s Health Be Important To Me?
Picture this: It’s a Saturday evening and the kids are out of town. You start to sit down with a bowl of potato chips and an ice cold beer. You look down and start to wonder, “Is the beer belly I’m accumulating bad for my health?” This, along with many other questions, starts to arise as you get older in age.
Men’s health is something that many men don’t think about until it affects them. It can also become a taboo subject once the topic starts to surround things such as:
erectile dysfunction
low testosterone
Therefore, health tends to be put on the back burner in favor of vanity and the many other curve balls that life throws at you.
Men's Health Medications Available
- Viagra/Sildenafil
- Cialis/Tadalafil
- Minoxidel
- Finasteride
Mens Health In Comparison To Women’s Health
According to the Office for National Statistics, on average, men die nearly 4 years earlier than women. Male life expectancy is 79 while women‘s life expectancy is 82.9. This statistic is caused by many external factors and doesn’t apply to every man on earth; however, there are several biological instances that lead to increased health issues. These issues can include
Heart Disease
Prostate Health
Much More

Role Of Community Pharmacy In Men’s Health
From a macro perspective, men’s health is heavily attributed to the lifestyle choices that one makes such as drinking, smoking, and eating habits. Knowing the potential consequences of your actions might lead to a possible change; therefore, we want to educate all of our male patients of the things they could be vulnerable to and how to be proactive about it.
As a community pharmacy, it is our mission to educate and nurture our patients about unfamiliar topics such as
erectile dysfunction
heart disease
and other health problems that significantly affect men.
Often, we’re the only point of contact when it comes to health education. Therefore, we want to take a stand in our community and lead the charge with men’s health.
How To Sustain Your Health With A Neighborhood Pharmacy
Your health doesn’t necessarily have to be a scary topic to educate yourself on. In fact, having a robust understanding of your well being can lead to a longer and more fulfilling life. So, the next time you have any concerns or worries about your health, particularly as it has to do with your gender, Scripx has all of the tools and resources you need to sustain your health. We’re on this health journey together!
If you have any questions or concerns regarding men’s health, stop by today. Upon arrival, one of our pharmacist’s will be glad to educate you on health issues pertaining to being a man. Call 844-4-SCRIPXtoday to start your health journey with us!